the next book
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Alhamdulillah, I already finished read kitab sahih bukhari in this Ramadan….although there are some hadith that I don’t really understand, at least I know the evidences of every a’mal which I ‘m doing based on strong hadis or not………hopefully, I can keep doing a’mal with full confidence because I know the what I’m doing based on what and it will pull myself toward jannah ….insyaallah…..
In Malaysia, there are a lot of misconceptions that occur toward understanding addin….for example, about choosing mazhab . mazhab actually just try to guide muslim to do the right things in ibadah…so,muslim can choose any guide that they want as long as there is an evidence in hadis or quran… and also, we need to know that the imam that contributes mazhab memorized a lot of hadith and all of them have credibility……the sad part is, many muslim make mazhab as addin,… (by concept)……
the next book gonna be syarah hadith 40